We're proud to introduce the 2023 CUE Fellowship cohort!
These 15 individuals bring their own unique perspectives and expertise to the work that must be done to build an equitable Chicago for everybody.
Once again, the 2023 CUE Fellowship includes changemakers working in partnership with civic institutions and in community with neighbors. By fostering our relationship to each other and our shared interest in a Chicago that works for all, CUE fellows create an ecosystem of honest conversation, meaningful collaboration, and collective action.
Welcome to the CUE Family
CUE is people powered. We believe that an equitable city is possible whenever people come together in love of community and disruption of the status quo. We invest in the curious, visionary and courageous people who can target inequity in our systems and promote change—like these 15 fellows! From left to right:
Adria Husband (Shifting Hearts and Minds LLC), Alana Warren (The Civic Federation), Chandra Christmas-Rouse (Metropolitan Planning Council)
Chris Bridges (It Takes a Village Nation), Davon Clark (The Movement of Movement), Edna Navarro-Vidaurre (Birth to Five Illinois)
Elizabeth Schuh (Cook County Bureau of Economic Development), Gabriella Nelson (Chicago Department of Housing), Jeni Hebert-Beirne (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Kristen Garcia (Illinois Action for Children), Liú Méi-Zhì Huì Chen (National Public Housing Museum), Lucy Brennan (P33 Chicago)
Marly Schott (Elevated Chicago), Nneka Onwuzurike (Office of Equity and Racial Justice, City of Chicago), Sonseriya Williams (Teamwork Englewood)
Learn more about the 2023 Fellowship Cohort.